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Granturi pentru tineri cercetători

ESF-LESC TRAVEL GRANTS.A number of ESF-LESC travel grants are available, principally aimed atEuropean young researchers, to support their active participation in thefollowing events:XIX In national Symposium on Glycoconjugates in Cairns, Australia, on15-20 July 2007:;30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical andApplied Limnology (SIL) in Montreal, Canada on 12-18 August 2007:;Goldschmidt 2007 Conference in Cologne, Germany on 19-24 August 2007:;World Conference of Stress in Budapest, Hungary on 23-26 August 2007:;Plants for Human Health in the Post Genomic Era in Helsinki, Finland on26-29 August 2007:;5th International Conference "Environmental Micropaleontology,Microbiology and Meiobenthology" (EMMM 2007) in Erlangen, Germany on 24August - 1 September 2007: Intl. Congress on Palaeoceanography - The Future Ocean: Perspectivesfrom the Past (ICP9) in Shanghai, China, on 3-7 September 2007:http://icp9.iodp.cnFull information can be found through: OPEN FORUM 2008 (ESOF2008)The EuroScience Open Forum is an interdisciplinary, dynamic andinnovative European event that the ESF has been involved in since it wascreated in 2004. The third in the series - ESOF2008 - will take place inBarcelona in 18-22 July 2008. Take a look at the ESOF homepage for moreinformation, and on how to submitproposals for scientific sessions and outreach activities (closing date:30 June 2007).________________________________ESF-EMBO Symposium on Biomagnetism and Magnetic Biosystems based onMolecular Recognition ProcessesSant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 22-27 September 2007The scientific programme (including list of invited speakers),conference flyer and application form are accessible on-line through grants are available for young researchers to cover the conferencefee and possibly part of the travel costs. Grant requests should be madeby ticking appropriate field(s) in the paragraph "Grant application" ofthe application form. Closing date for applications, as well as forabstract submission: 5 July 2007.


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