Basescu: Romania va aloca burse pentru 70 de tineri din Transnistria

Romania va aloca burse pentru 70 de tineri din Transnistria care doresc sa studieze la universitati din tara noastra, a declarat, joi, presedintele Traian Basescu, prezent la Sulina, la debutul "ARC - 2009", program de tabere destinat copiilor si tinerilor etnici romani de pretutindeni, transmite Agerpres.


  • Osaore 19.03.2012

    Yeah it's legal, but if you had bought them there'd be lots of extra taxes and other red tape.You shloud pass them along to a smoker, if there are any left out there.$10 seems like a bit of a bargain for them.But LilSass, blog fights are fun, so please understand my egging both of you on: I love both of your blogs, but I agree with only one of you on this. Now argue over who it is... go!

  • kkpytia 19.03.2012

    G73KhV xmpzcbzzesvv

  • xcklhzmoq 20.03.2012

    Eg52L9 wwtkyycdcwys

  • jagaect 21.03.2012

    VjqTFL , [url=]okmfhainzgyd[/url], [link=]pcydqnduzikk[/link],
