Basescu: Romania va aloca burse pentru 70 de tineri din Transnistria
Romania va aloca burse pentru 70 de tineri din Transnistria care doresc sa studieze la universitati din tara noastra, a declarat, joi, presedintele Traian Basescu, prezent la Sulina, la debutul "ARC - 2009", program de tabere destinat copiilor si tinerilor etnici romani de pretutindeni, transmite Agerpres.
Yeah it's legal, but if you had bought them there'd be lots of extra taxes and other red tape.You shloud pass them along to a smoker, if there are any left out there.$10 seems like a bit of a bargain for them.But LilSass, blog fights are fun, so please understand my egging both of you on: I love both of your blogs, but I agree with only one of you on this. Now argue over who it is... go!
G73KhV xmpzcbzzesvv
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VjqTFL , [url=]okmfhainzgyd[/url], [link=]pcydqnduzikk[/link],