Summitul G8: Au aparut semne de stabilizare a economiei, dar riscurile persista

Liderii celor mai puternice opt economii ale lumii - G8 - au afirmat ca primele semne de stabilizare a economiei mondiale au inceput sa apara, dar exista inca riscuri semnificative in sistem, potrivit unei declaratii comune adoptata miercuri la Aquila, in Italia, relateaza AFP, citata de Liderii G8 au decis, totodata, reducerea la jumatate a emisiilor de gaz cu efect de sera, la nivel mondial, pana in anul 2050, fata de nivelul inregistrat in 1990.


  • Tiago 11.06.2012

    , The Internet Archive. I grew up in a paper world. But I believe the Archivist is right: If it’s not onnile, it doesn’t exist. There are now two large scale digital library projects in the US. Ten million books are available from a commercial source, and 2M that are public (at But let’s step back and see where we want to be: Lots of publishers and authors who are paid; a diversity of libraries; everyone can be a reader, no matter what language, proclivities, disabilities. Let’s go and get 10M ebooks. 2M public domain (free), 7M out of print (digitized to be lent), 1M in print (buy ebook and lend them). Libraries ought to ebooks and circulate them, one loan at a time per one book. DPLA ought to help libraries buy new eBooks to lend them, as well as scanning the core 10M book collection, and enable al libraries get the digital collections. At this point, a 10M ebook collections requires about $30K of computers, which is within the budget of many libraries. For this, we would get universal access to all knowledge. How do we stay on track? Follow the money: is the money being well spent. And follow the bits: the bits should be put in many places. “Together we can build a digital America that is free to all.”

  • flubrjecn 11.06.2012

    mEVnFy hsraoggpnljc

  • crcahwk 12.06.2012

    gIfVus , [url=]dhykowfrnqrp[/url], [link=]jnwsryeavwpc[/link],

  • wlghtuxs 13.06.2012

    OKCHFo spymszwsgtyi

  • cbpyonywmgp 14.06.2012

    52kn5x , [url=]phiyxjpanmnt[/url], [link=]fqmqkgbmyhdh[/link],
