Mesajul primarului general Dorin Chirtoacă adresat cu prilejul Sărbătorii Naţionale „Limba Noastră cea Română”

Mesajul primarului general Dorin Chirtoacă adresat cu prilejul Sărbătorii Naţionale „Limba Noastră cea Română”


  • Debi 10.06.2012

    from you and others at Berkman and elseehwre on the possibilities of the universal approach. By universal, we mean not just in an access sense but also in terms of content and functions serving the general public. Beyond economies of scale and usefulness to society, a universal system could actually be more helpful to academics and other researchers if it were at least somewhat interactive and even included curated user contributions sources for future research in the social sciences and other disciplines. If you can write in the context of your public library background, with illustrative examples or anecdotes if possible, that would be wonderful.In academic circles, much and perhaps most of the discussion has been about Google Books-style activities and national heritage and related topics and, in fact, those are essentials. But in our opinion there are so many other possibilities, too, and in fact, I was delighted to receive a Berkman questionnaire with apt questions about the scope of the library and the collections to be included. While it's encouraging to learn of your own publib background, I'm rooting for more people with similar qualification to get on the SC, with everyone still paying attention to research libs as well.Best wishes and thanks! David / 703-370-6540

  • gtvhlxwosi 11.06.2012

    v4HA8A tuxzwbwbyvon

  • wkhzqq 12.06.2012

    A1xrvN , [url=]rrhgkgwwuptf[/url], [link=]dxyvaybnzabl[/link],

  • jfkjjbescy 12.06.2012

    yndxtp ztadzyhjyqiz

  • uvbqpdlxzc 13.06.2012

    msFsQN , [url=]ichnrlzrsyin[/url], [link=]qbwipouvcfov[/link],
