IDIS Viitorul: Țările dezvoltate au devenit bogate înainte de a deveni îmbătrânite, pe când Republica Moldova a devenit îmbătrânită demografic înainte de a fi dezvoltată economic
IDIS Viitorul în parteneriat cu Friedrich-Ebert-Schtiftung a prezentat astăzi, 1 octombrie, cea de a 14-a ediţie a Monitorului Social cu genericul „Îmbătrânirea populaţiei: de la provocări la beneficii”. Autoarea analizei incluse în acest Monitor Social este Olga Găgăuz, expert asociat IDIS „Viitorul”, doctor în sociologie.
This post has helepd me think things through
Nov05Toph Hey Daniel, that's a really good qoietsun. I think it's kind of hard to talk about rights of a community to whom do these rights apply? It seems like we have to start talking about individuals once that qoietsun is asked. But I think we can talk about the well-being a community, and perhaps a good test of individual rights is how well they line up with the good of others. And certainly as Christians, our attitude should count others more significant than ourselves, as Paul tells us in Philippians 2. So even if we have a right to something, it may be best for us not to insist on the right out of respect for our fellow Christians and human beings.
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